PARTNER SESSION – Monday, July, 6th at 3:00 PM CET

The “Alignment Cookbook” is a French Energy Transition Ministry / WWF sponsored report whose objective is to study, analyse and compare methods and frameworks available today to investors who are increasingly measuring the alignment of their investment portfolio with a temperature trajectory, and more particularly translate and express the degree of alignment of their portfolio in an implied temperature rise (ITR) metric.

For the release of this report, 3 webinars are organized on July 6th, 8th and 10th.
This first session is specifically dedicated to the partners.

Registration by invitation


  • Clément Bultheel, Sustainable Finance Project Manager, MTES  (French Ministry of Ecological and Solidarity Transition)
  • Hugo Bluet, Head of Green Finance, WWF France
  • Alice  Pauthier, Research fellow – Finance, Investment and Climate, I4CE 


Presentation of the study: Julie Raynaud, Green and Sustainable Finance Expert, ILB Network member

Moderation: Stéphane Voisin, Coordinator of the “Green & Sustainable Finance” ILB research program.


You can download the Alignment Cookbook HERE 



With the contribution of the European Union LIFE program.
The European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.


  • Institut Louis Bachelier
