This annual meeting organized by EUROFIDAI (European Financial Data institute) gathers researchers in finance from all parts of the world to expose and discuss their latest academic research.

AFFI and Leonard de Vinci Pôle Universitaire participate in organizing the meeting, which is sponsored by the CDC Institute for Economic Research; Foundation Banque de France in Money, Finance and Banking; CNRS; Equipex BEDOFIH project (European high frequency financial database) and the ACPR Chair “Regulation and Systemic Risk”.

347 papers were submitted for presentation at the meeting. Of this number, only 53 were accepted indicating rigorous selection criteria. The Paris December Finance Meeting is one of the  top 3 European conferences in terms of the quality of the papers presented.

Special PhD job market sessions will include additional papers. Click here to take a look at the job market candidates.

To consult the program or get access to on line registrations, please visit


  • EUROFIDAI (European Financial Data institute)
