Pour notre prochain talk dans le cadre de la Blockchain Perspectives Joint Research Initiative, et en partenariat avec la chaire de sécurité informatique du Cnam, nous accueillerons Elham Kashefi pour présenter ses perspectives sur le quantum computing et quelques activités récentes afin de rendre possible le passage de la théorie à la pratique. Elham est notamment professor of Quantum Computing à la School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh, et chercheuse CNRS rattachée au laboratoire d’informatique LIP6 (UPMC/Paris 6).

“Over the next five to ten years we will see a state of flux as quantum technologies become part of the main stream computing landscape with quantum computing machines with high variability in terms of architectures and capacities. Adopting and applying such a highly variable and novel technology is both costly and risky for any individual company or research group as this quantum approach has an acute verification and validation problem. I will present our recent activities in settling these key milestones to make the translation from theory to practice possible.”

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