The next joint seminar of GSF and E4C multidisciplinary research centre of Ecole Polytechnique will take place at Louis Bachelier Institute (4th floor of Palais Brongniart, 1 Place de la Bourse, Paris) on July 7th at 10AM with the following program: 

10h: Sylvie Parey (EDF): Seasonal Hierarchical Hidden Markov Model for spatio-temporal stochastic rain generator in France

11h15: Camille Le Coz (LMD, Ecole Polytechnique)Improving sub-seasonal forecasting of energy resource by combining weather ensemble predictions from different models


Registration is free but compulsory.

Please note that seats will be allocated on a first come, first serve basis due to the limited capacity of the event room.


Register here



  • Green and Sustainable Finance (GSF),
  • Centre interdisciplinaire Energy4Climate (E4C)


Institut Louis Bachelier Palais Brongniart - 16 Place de la Bourse, Paris, 75002 France