The workshop “Mean-field games, energy and environment” aims to bring together leading experts in the field of Mean-field games and their applications, as well as researchers in other fields with an interest in MFG.

Mean-field games have grown to be a powerful toolbox for high-dimensional distributed optimisation problems. In recent years they have found applications in a variety of domains, from optimisation of energy production and storage to the modelling of climate change negotiations.

The workshop will cover the basic theory of MFG and its applications to optimisation problems arising in the energy industry and the environmental sciences. A number of talks will be given by engineers working on distributed optimisation problems where MFG could be applied.

Confirmed speakers:

Pierre-Louis Lions (Collège de France, France)

René Aïd (EDF, France)

Clémence Alasseur (EDF, France)

Dario Bauso (University of Sheffield, UK)

Alain Bensoussan (University of Texas, USA)

Ana Busic (INRIA, Paris, France)

Antonio De Paola (Imperial College London, UK)

François Delarue (Université de Nice, France)

Boualem Djehiche (KTH, Stockholm, Sweden)

Emmanuel Gobet (Ecole Polytechnique, France)

Vassily Kolokoltsov (University of Warwick, UK)

Roland Malhamé (Polytechnique Montréal, Canada)

Patrick Panciatinci (R&D Department of RTE, France)

Huyên Pham (Université Paris Diderot, France)

Goran Strbac (Imperial College London, UK)

Lukasz Szpruch (University of Edinburgh, UK)

Hamidou Tembine (New York University, USA)

S. Tindemans (Imperial College London, UK)

Ronnie Sircar (Princeton University, USA)

Wei Zhang (Ohio State University, USA)


Roxana Dumitrescu (King’s College London, UK)

Aleksandar Mijatovic (King’s College London and The Alan Turing Institute, UK)

Peter Tankov (ENSAE and Université Paris Diderot, France)

The workshop is free to attend but registration is required. Click here to register


The Alan Turing Institute 96 Euston Rd, Kings Cross, London, NW1 2DB Royaume-Uni