
1:55pm – 2:00pm: Introduction by Alain Bensoussan 

2:00pm – 2:50pm: TBA by Pierre Louis-Lions 

2:50pm – 3:40pm: Training Deep ResNet with Batch Normalization as a First-order Mean-Field Type Problem by Phillip Yam 

3:40pm – 4:30pm: Neural Differential Equations, Control, and Machine Learning by Enrique Zuazua 

4:30pm – 4:40pm: Break

4:40pm – 5:30pm: On Machine Learning for Mean-Field Master Equations by Mathieu Lauriere

5:30pm – 6:20pm: Neural Networks and Mean-Field Dynamics by Zhenjie Ren


The organizers:
Alain Bensoussan, Mérouane Debbah, and Samson Lasaulce.




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