Integrating ESG principles into investment strategies has moved quickly from a restricted group of investors to become a mainstream approach. Most asset managers have adopted ESG principles on the back of performance and growing demand from asset owners. Albeit the trend is likely to accelerate overtime, a European common approach has yet to designed. As policy makers are seeking to enhance the European investment infrastructure through the Capital Market Union initiative, ESG principles will soon be at the core of the discussions. PRI (Principles for Responsible Investment) and CFA Society France are jointly organizing a panel discussion with European asset owners to share their view on selecting asset manager with regards to their ESG approach. British, Swedish and French insurers and pension funds will debate on the future of the European ESG investment. Please note: this event will be held in English but questions in French are welcome.

This event is supported by Euronext.

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Non-Members welcome, please contact Non-Members fee: 20EUR

Registration: 6:15 – 6:30pm

Conference: 6:30 – 7:15pm

Panel Discussion 7:15 – 7:45pm

Cocktail: 8:00 – 9:00pm


BNP Paribas AM 14 Rue Bergère, paris, France