Le vendredi 12 décembre: Stéphanie MonjonWould Climate policy improve the European energy security?

Stéphanie Monjon est professeure d’économie à l’université Paris Dauphine et chercheuse associée au CIRED et au CEPII. Ses travaux portent sur les liens entre compétitivité industrielle, politiques climatiques et politiques énergétiques. Elle nous présentera ses travaux récents sur le lien entre la sécurité énergétique européenne et les politiques climatiques.
Energy security improvement is often presented as a co-benefit of climate policies. This paper evaluates this claim. It presents a methodology to investigate whether climate policy would improve energy security, while accounting for the difficulties entailed by the many-faceted nature of the concept and the large uncertainties on the determinants of future energy systems. A four-dimension analysis grid is used to capture the energy security concept, and a database of scenarios allows us to explore the uncertainty space. The results, focusing on Europe, reveal there is no unequivocal effect of climate policy on all the dimensions of energy security. Moreover, time matters: the effect of climate policy depends on the time horizon considered. Lastly, these results are robust to uncertainties on drivers of economic growth and the potentials and costs of end-uses technologies, but are sensitive to fossil fuels availability, low carbon technologies in the energy sector and improvements in energy efficiency.

link to the paper

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  • Chaire Economie du Climat


Palais Brongniart 16 Place de la Bourse, Paris, 75002 France