ILB Event Conférence annuelle 2016 de l’IDR QMI Cet événement est passé. 17 mars - Toute la journée 9:00 am Registration 9:20 am Opening address by G. LE FOL (Dauphine and Scientific Director of QMI) 9:30– 11:00 am Invited Session 1– “Structural Dynamic Analysis of Systematic Risk”, L. Clavet, V. Czellar, and C. Gouriéroux(Univ. Toronto, CREST & QMI)Discussant: Tba– “Strategic Interaction between Hedge Funds and Prime Brokers”, N. Gerasimova, and E. Jondeau (HEC Lausanne)Discussant: O. Toutain (Banque de France) 11:30 – 12:30 pm Keynote session 1– “Identifying Contagion”, M. Dungey (Univ. Of Tasmania) and E. Renault 12:30 – 2:00 pm Lunch break 2 : 00 – 3 : 30 pm Invited Session 2– “Transparency Regime Initiatives and Liquidity in the CDS Market”, A. Fulop (ESSEC Business School) and L. LescourretDiscussant: J. Dudek (Lutetia Capital and QMI)– “Does Central Clearing affect Price Stability? Evidence from the Nordic Equity Markets”, A. Menkveld, E. Pagnotta , and M. Zoican (Univ. Paris – Dauphine and QMI)Discussant: G. Mero (Univ. Cergy-Pontoise and QMI) 3:30 – 4:00pm Coffee break 4:00 – 5:00 pm Invited Session 3– “Portfolio rho-presentativity”, T. Froidure (TOBAM)– “Returns drives for CTAs : Is volatility beneficial for CTAs? “, R. Molinero (Molinero Capital) 5 : 00 – 6:00 pm Keynote Session 2– “TBA”, R. Cont (Imperial College of London) 7 : 00 – 8 : 30 pm Panel Session, co-organized by the Master 203 – Financial Markets, (in French) “Liquidity and Funding risks”, with the participation of :– E. Brard, (Global Head of Fixed Income at Amundi)– P. Guillot (Executive Director of the Markets Directorate at AMF)– S. Giordano (Chairman of AMAFI) Registration and informations Organizer QMI Lieu Université Paris Dauphine Place du Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny, Paris, Paris 75016 France