Commodity Derivatives Markets: Industrial Organization, Regulation and Financialization Cet événement est passé. 26-27 mars @ 9 H 30 min - 17 H 00 min Opening Conference To launch the thematic semester, the opening conference will aim to show the state of the art and especially to identify new research problems. Special emphasis will be given to the identification of unsolved problems. Online registration Practical Information The Thematic Semester aims to examine recent developments in commodity derivatives markets. The changed industrial organization and the financialization of these markets are major phenomena, both of which call for changes in regulation. In recent years, commodity derivatives markets have undergone profound changes in how they are regulated. This process of regulatory change is clearly not complete. It is, however, already giving rise to specific problems that need to be assessed, or even identified. By way of illustration, restrictive regulations on so-called legitimate uses of derivatives, i.e. related not to speculation but to risk management in commodity trading, raise practical problems. Indeed it is difficult to identify legitimate operations in an objective, swift and uncircumventable way. To properly understand the issues and potential problems arising from such regulation, we propose, in the framework of the thematic semester, to interpret it as stemming from two major phenomena at work simultaneously: the changed industrial organization of these markets and their financialization. A provisional programme, the online registration form and practical information are available on the Conference Website. (Regsitration is free but mandatory). Organizer Chaire Finance et Développement Durable & de l’Initiative de Recherche Finance des Marchés d’Énergies Lieu Institut Henri Poincaré 11 rue Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, 75005 France