The most serious phase of the COVID-19 pandemic seems to be, hopefully, on the wane. At the same time, scientific evidence highlights the urgent need to scale up ambition to address the global most pressing priority: climate change and environmental degradation. In this context, the Summer School on Sustainable Finance, organised by the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission, brings together academics, policymakers and professionals focusing on the most demanding issues faced by the industry and reaffirming the crucial role of research in informing policy-making.

The 4th edition of the summer school will be held on July 7-8, 2022 as a hybrid event.

To facilitate cross-fertilization and promote the development of policy-relevant research and science-based policy, the event will feature both academic sessions and more policy-oriented lectures.

Papers in the broader field of sustainable finance, including sustainability reporting and climate risk, are welcome for presentation.

The deadline for papers’ submissions is April 30, 2022. Submission of paper or extended abstracts can be done to with “Submission Summer School on Sustainable Finance” in the email’s subject line.

Deadline for paper submission: April 30, 2022
Notification of acceptance: May 13, 2022
School dates: July 7-8, 2022

To follow the event, either remotely or in person, please register at:

A limited number of participants can physically attend the Summer School and its social events. Therefore, available places will be filled on a first-come-first-served basis.

For more details, please read the Call for Papers here.  


  • European Commission –Joint Research Centre


hybrid event