This academic meeting will take place in Paris during January 17-18, 2019. Academic sessions will cover the latest researches on asset management. We welcome submissions on hedge funds, mutual funds and private equity funds, but also, more broadly, papers that seek to improve the understanding of the roles of different market intermediaries and the effect of their behaviour on asset prices.

Potential topics include, but are not limited to: Hedge fund risks and performance; transparency (reporting) and due diligence; hedge fund activity and broad macroeconomic issues such as systemic risk and contagion; hedge fund activism; portfolio liquidation and liquidity; financial regulation; mutual funds, private equity funds; etc.



Serge Darolles, Université Paris-Dauphine
René Garcia, University of Montreal and Toulouse School of Economics
Christian Gouriéroux, University of Toronto and Toulouse School of Economics
Tamara Nefedova, Université Paris-Dauphine

Scientific Committee

Vikas Agarwal, Georgia State University
Charles Cao, Penn State University
Serge Darolles, Université Paris-Dauphine
René Garcia, University of Montreal and Toulouse School of Economics
Christian Gourieroux, University of Toronto and Toulouse School of Economics
Tamara Nefedova, Université Paris-Dauphine
Andrew Patton, Duke University
Adam Reed, UNC Chapel Hill
Ronnie Sadka, Boston College
Melvyn Teo, Singapore Management University



Université Paris Dauphine Place du Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny, Paris, Paris 75016 France