ILB Event 9TH FINANCIAL RISKS INTERNATIONAL FORUM “NEW CHALLENGES FACING THE INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT INDUSTRY”. Cet événement est passé. 21-22 mars - Toute la journée The Institut Louis Bachelier, in cooperation with the Fondation du Risque, the Europlace Institute of Finance and the Louis Bachelier “Finance and Sustainable Growth” Laboratory, is pleased to invite you to the 9th Financial Risks International Forum. In the current context, this year’s forum will focus on “NEW CHALLENGES FACING THE INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT INDUSTRY”. The aim of this conference is to highlight the methodological and regulatory challenges confronting the investment management industry. The financial crisis and its aftermath have resulted in reflection on the tools and practices of investment managers. The economic and financial environment is challenging, marked by low interest rates, increased volatility, and new economic and demographic risks. Standard practices such as the use of traditional risk management models, benchmarks, quantitative backtests, are being called into question. End investors require more governance and socially responsible investment practices. Regulatory complexity is a constantly evolving concern for the industry. Questions have been raised about potential incentive problems created by delegated management, and financial stability risks posed by the asset management industry. Programme et autres informations ici. Organisateur Institut Louis Bachelier et Institut Europlace de Finance Lieu Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie de Région Paris-Ile-de-France 27 avenue de Friedland, Paris, 75008 France