Family Capital and Shareholder Status

Scientific project

Starting from the observation that family enterprises create more jobs than other businesses, the aim of the research programme is to define the particular characteristics of family capital, with a view to identifying criteria that make it possible to differentiate this “socially useful” from purely “speculative” capital, and to use these criteria to propose a differentiated taxation system.

The main objectives of the Finalised Research Programme are to:

  • Define the specific characteristics of family capital,
  • Draw up a state of the art on how management science envisages social capital and the action that stems from ownership in the hands of shareholders,
  • Propose criteria that can differentiate taxation of “socially useful” capital in the hands of shareholders from “unproductive” or “speculative” capital, by distinguishing intrinsic criteria (depending on the shareholder’s behaviour) and extrinsic criteria (depending on the “social” performance of the company),
  • Test the relevance of these criteria on a sample of shareholders composed of shareholder directors of family companies, buyers and creators of businesses, digital entrepreneurs, representative bodies of companies (AFEP MEDEF, METI, FBN, MiddleNext, Henokiens) and investors (AFIC, BpiFrance),
  • Propose a new corpus of legislation to support differentiated taxation.

Scientific officer

Valérie Tandeau de Marsac
Valérie Tandeau de Marsac

Academic Partners

Economic Partners