ILB Event Join our Financial Centre Camp Cet événement est passé. 20 juin @ 9 H 00 min - 19 H 00 min What makes a Financial Centre (FC) attractive and how do we measure its importance? We invite you to join the discussions and development of a new Financial Centre attractiveness index. If you are interested in hearing about the work done so far join us in the morning for presentations and discussions as well as the announcement of the FC Competition winner. If you have solid insight on Financial Centre ecosystems, on what indicators should go in an index or on index methodology we invite you to join us for the afternoon workshop session as well. Part 1 9h-9h05 Welcome by Nicolas Lioliakis, MD AT KEARNEY 9h05-9h15 Kick-off by André Lévy-Lang, president ILB 9h15-10h45 Academic hours Jean Boissinot, Direction Générale du Tresor: Survey FCs, clusters and attractiveness. Kathy Pain, GAwC: FCs in a global perspective. MA Autheman, Euroclear: Private side view on FC attractiveness. 10h45-11h Pause 11h-12h Presentation of proposed ideas by competing teams 12h-12h30 Keynote by Pierre-Cyrille Hautcoeur, EHESS: Financial Centres in a historical perspective 12h30-13h45 Lunch 13h45-14h Announcement of the ILB Financial Centre Competition winner Part 2 14h-17h Financial Centre Expert Camp 17h-17h45 Presentation of Camp results 17h45-18h Wrap-up & Next Steps 18h-19h Networking In October 2017 Institut Louis Bachelier launched a competition on the theme of Financial Centre attractiveness. The jury that evaluates the competition proposals consists of: Simone Manganelli (Head of Financial Research Division, ECB) Kathy Pain (Co-director Globalization and World Cities) Alberto Zazzaro (Professor of Economy, Napoli University) Michael Grote (Vice President Frankfurt School of Finance & Management) André Lévy-Lang (Chairman of ILB and former CEO of Paribas). The goal of the competition is to develop a novel and sound proposition on how to provide Financial Centre (FC) eco-system actors with an open, transparent and operational tool for assessment of FC attractiveness and importance. A tool that on a scientifically valid basis can point to movements and allow comparison between Financial Centres in general as well as in different segments of financial activities. On June 20th 2018 the winner of this competition will be announced at the Institut Louis Bachelier FC Camp in Paris. You can read more about the competition here: Book your ticket Lieu AT Kearney 23 rue de l’Université, Paris, 75007 France